Well, Kurt’s time in RI is winding down. I figured, before I give him back to y’all out west, I’d post a little photo album of our summer together. Warnings: we are barfy (right, Mom?), very pale, and a little boring. Also these pictures miiiight make you long a little bit for Rhode Island. Pine, if you will. It’s cool. We (particularly the Kurt half of “we”) understand. I have a harder time since I’ve had the good sense to stay put in The State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. But, y’know. To each his own?
Anyway, here goes: not a great photo of yours truly, but I think it’s sweet of Kurt. First night at Aunt Polly’s house on Long Island in NY. This, after a moderately disastrous adventure at LaGuardia airport, where Kurt has now sworn twice to never return.
Kurt and Polly, doing the Times crossword. One thing my mother has always loved about Kurt: if he solves a clue, he’ll write the answer next to the clue, allowing the puzzle-doer the joy of actually filling it in. Nice, no?
Here’s the other thing Kurt spend most of his time doing—reading. That’s my cousin Cindy in the background. And THIS…
Is my charming cousin Palmer. Wearing my glasses. And being a total gem. He spend most of his weekend asking Kurt more questions than have ever been asked in rapid succession than at any other time in the history of the world.
…and trying to write his name on the back of Kurt’s shirt.
Once back in Providence, Kurt attempts to fold a fitted sheet. Hilarity ensues.
and snuggles…with himself. On some very manly sheets
Creepiest menu ad ever! With the worst spelling! Winny shot? Daddy’s arms? Jeeze!
Roger Williams looks out over his fair city.
The view of the Statehouse from Prospect Park at sunset. Hey Craig, can you name the other two freestanding domes?
…we attempt to fine-tune the art of the self-portrait. …and apparently, don’t quite succeed.
What Kurt is most often seen doing—playing on his new “toy.”
Kurt gets new glasses! I like them.
Wickenden Street always offers amazing little oddities. Like a lion statue on a driveway entrance…with glued-on googley eyes.
Yes, it’s a stop sign. This is not the point—the point is the back of it:
Sundlun for Governor! Did any of you guys live in RI while he was in office? Anyway, that’s my former, old, crazy, mean, and did I mention old? And crazy? Boss.
Remember this place?? We tried to go see Christopher Simpson’s play, Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind, but we were about $7 short for two tickets. So we sat outside, watched the sun go down, and saw Kelly’s old house. Nice paint job! (He didn’t even pay me to say that, I swear!)
Kurt, in his new glasses, standing next to the Kingston Free Library. Looking pretty adorable…
I tried to be sly in getting some photographic evidence of Craig’s visit to Providence…apparently I am not quite as stealthy as I think I am.
The last two weeks we’ve been spending some time down in Charlestown, RI, at the house my Aunt Polly is renting for a month. Here’s another view:
It’s on Ninigret Pond. There are incredible sunsets at night—Kurt took a picture of one with his phone when we were there the other night, but we can’t figure out how to send it to the computer. I’ll be sure to take one tonight and post it/send it to Kurt ASAP, though. This house—no joke—looks like a battleship from the front. It’s got about a thousand rooms, and is incredibly easy to get lost in. There’s an observation-type-deck on the top where, at night, you can see literally every star in the sky. Maybe I’ll figure out how to take pictures of that, too!
Kurt and my mom at the pool. Note Kurt’s super stylish glasses! Can’t see ‘em?
Hiding from the sun. Kurt Anderson and Sarah Stowell have no business sitting out in the hot August sun. Trust.
My cousin Charlie. Lounging. On a lobster.
Kurt’s stack o’ books—some read, some to-be-read. There are many more scattered around the room/house, but this is the main stack.
Oh! The grand finale! I decided I wanted to dye my hair darker and, not to be outdone, Kurt decided to bleach his. So, here’s the before picture…
Kurt, looking like a lost member of the Insane Clown Posse, mid-bleach…
Anyway, that is a REALLY long (sorry!) synopsis of our amazing summer adventure. Thanks for sticking around through the whole thing—and hope your internet browsers didn’t hate me for posting all of those pictures! Maybe a few to follow before he leaves on Sunday. Until then…