–Sun – Sudoku; get lost for a half hour while driving to Warwick; pretty great church meetings; groceries; laundry; VH1’s top 100 songs of the 90’s countdown; ravioli with incredible sauce; ‘Lord of War’; reaping the seeds of gluttony; chat with Mom; more SatC
–Mon – Sarah at a conference; sleep in; catching up on interweb reading; lots of writing; ‘Heroes’; ‘Psych’; bake banana bread; Shark Week; catching up on PesuP; SatC
–Tue – Sarah at conference; sleep in; reading; writing; Heroes; Gilmore Girls; mailing night at Options; dinner; SatC
–Wed – Drive Sarah to work; clean up; ‘Heroes’; lunch; ‘Pwoject Wunway’; BYB2WD:P2; Sarah bakes the ugliest cake ever; drive to SK; dinner at Red Stripe with Sam; money talk; drive to Providence
–Thu– another day lost to reading and ‘Heroes‘
–Fri – sleep in; ‘Heroes’; writing; lunch; clean; more ‘Heroes’; sunset picnic @ Prospect Park with Beth; ‘Con Air’ with Carol; new episode of ‘Psych’!; ‘Con Air’ without Carol; SatC
–Sat – sleep in; write; drive to Wakefield; breakfast at Phil’s; shopping; visit Grandma Stewart; International Pockets; Stephanie’s graduation party; drive to Providence; sunset at Prospect Park (again); SatC; write