A visual chronicle of what we’ve been doing to keep occupied during COVID-19 social distancing.
Day 88: first social distance gathering! Blowing up a new toy Go ahead kid; make a mess with paints! Day 89: maybe we’ll hate homeschooling less from this couch? Day 90: topsy turvy! “Am… am I doing it right?” Check out the excellent shirt Sarah got me Day 91: Scabbers finds a home Dancing cowboy A boy and his comic Day 92: multitasking teacher You can’t tell it yet, but Liam is about to make a tomato dolphin Liam wanted a demonstration of how we’d swaddle him as a baby. He… is definitely not as light as he once was Scritching sis Day 94: back to work Reading us his most recent stories One of the best panels so far Farewell hangout with Kashif at Roger Williams Park Rose Garden Two beautiful boys