The Problem with Everything: My Journey Through the New Culture Wars by Meghan Daum
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
The very premise of this book sets it up for failure; how do you fairly explore the contradictory mess that is the (predominantly online) culture wars while still saying something interesting? After hearing a couple of interviews with Daum, I decided to risk it. I wasn’t disappointed.
Daum’s approach of the personal essay is the perfect approach! The book isn’t “my reactions to the culture wars,” it’s about “my reactions to the culture wars.” It’s a subtle distinction that makes all the difference. In order to do this well, the author still has to (fairly) explore the facts of the wars. But, rather than just opining on the facts after they’ve been laid out, Daum examines her opinions and knee-jerk reactions. “Here’s how I feel about things, but why do I feel that way?” This extra layer of (honest) examination is what threads the needle for me.
As someone who has an extremely low tolerance for politically biased writing (and, these days, most things are political… unfortunately), I can solidly recommend this book. It’s not a screed, polemic, or jeremiad; it’s an exploration. You know, what “essays” were meant to be. And “conversations,” for that matter.
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