Friday’s game was pretty significant for Vlad – the character I’ve been playing in my work D&D campaign since (wow) July of 2017. We were finishing up a part of ‘the Lost Laboratory of Kwalish’ adventure, and simply had to defeat the Big Bad Evil Guy to get access to what we needed. Unfortunately, this particular BBEG had claws made out of frickin vorpal sword shards!!!
Long battle short, Vlad and one other character – Sharry (incidentally, the only other dwarf in the party) – both ended the fight dead. Luckily, as part of the wrap-up, the rest of the party was able to restore Vlad and Sharry… kind of. They had to replace missing parts with mechanical parts from Kwalish’s forge. So now Vlad – cleric of the dwarven goddess Mya – is no longer technically a dwarf, but a warforged. That will make for some very interesting internal conflict!
Aside from that, this session may (or may not) be Grant’s last session DM-ing as an employee at Definitive Healthcare. We’ll miss him – and I’ll definitely have to find/train another co-DM, as handling the whole West Marches approach alone will be quite the task!