It’s good to see a movie that is geared for a Western audience be unembarrassed about being Eastern. Forbidden Kingdom was, as I said to Chris, a savory combination of The Neverending Story and Ramayana (with, of course, kung fu thrown in there somewhere).
Jackie Chan continues to stretch himself, not only managing an American accent (sort of), but juggling two accents! Plus, if you thought Jackie was a BAMF, wait ’till you see him in dreds! (“OK me mahn, ya joost made it yar dyamn bisness!“) Jet Li was unimpressive in his role as the Monk (even though his extensive fight seen with Jackie rocked my socks off), but totally made up for it in his own dual role as the Monkey King. Oh man; I feel comfortable in saying that, if I had to choose a wingman between Chuck Norris and the Monkey King, I would hands down choose the legendary poop-hurler. (Sorry Chuckles; you had a good run. Plus… Huckabee!?! And here I was thinking your name couldn’t become a bigger one-word punch line.)
Ahem, back to the movie. Angarano filled his role well as the next generation’s Karate Kid (you laugh now; just watch the movie). He even pulls a Laruso from KKII and goes for [the-only-available-young-Asian-chick], played by Bingbing Li (that one’s too easy; I’m not even going to bother). This character is awesome, not because she rivals the Asian chicks from Kill Bill or Crouching Tiger in martial prowess, but because she is the rarest of all flowers: a heroine that is refreshingly more disturbed than the villainess.
This Movie won 7 Kudos:
– The only Hollywood kung fu movie that I can remember seeing that accurately portrays how kicked your butt would be after a couple of good hits
– Awesome depictions of magic (or whatever they called it in the East); now these immortals know what to do with superpowers!
– Pretty impressive coverage of different kung fu schools
– Inclusion of a loveable nerd (hey; my review, my reward system)
– Excellent integration of Eastern religion (Daoism, Buddhism, reincarnation) in a Western film
– The praying-for-rain scene (… there are no words… you’ll see…)
– Classic training montage (worthy of Rocky, Bloodsport, and KK) improved by teachers beating up the student