A Del’s locator app
“Opportunity Cost:” Browser extension/app for checkout pages that multiplies the amount by the wealth multiplier (collects age) to give perspective. Includes CC and non-CC calcs.
Web app/widget to help people figure out (with very concrete details) if HSA plan makes sense for their family. Ideally saveable plans (for multiple companies) and/or profiles.
MCDM Kingdoms & Warfare army manager
✔ Interactive map of Capital for the Chain of Acheron campaign.
Various personalized D&D generators (hex exploration; treasure hoards)
A playlist of YouTube clips of basic accents (to use in prepping NPCs)
“Slant:” Browser extensions that shows vitals for news sites
YouTube Red-type service for news sites
Pete Holmes chicken video/animatic (scratch)
Pete Holmes Hagar/doctor video/animatic
✔ A handy dandy reservoir of 3 second YouTube clip responses
Slactivism app (“Roger’s Army”) (scratch)
A web app/widget for personal timelines
✔ Harry Potter google calendar
Podcast: “Talk Me Out Of It”
Buddhism cheat sheet web app (scratch)
Web app: stale beliefs test
Calendar of positives (e.g. – when wars ended, not when they started; when great people did the thing that made them great, not when they were born or died)
Time lapse map/video of where people sat in ‘the Office’
Design & numbers for local, one-block, mini EPCOT
Web app/widget for randomized test
The de facto constitution
Crowdsourced annotation software (combination of gDocs, mind-mapping, wiki)
Fall Out Boy musical (in the style of ‘Mama Mia,’ ‘Across the Universe,’ ‘American Idiot,’ etc.)
Small ebook with 1-3 page summaries of various productivity systems/methods
Documentary/podcast: in-depth interviews of local houseless people
Documentary/podcast: in-depth interviews of local elderly people
Documentary/podcast: in-depth philosophical interviews with local clerg
Is dessert a near-universal cultural phenomenon? Why (not)?
Were the US to split apart, how many nations would/should it split into? Where? Why?
How much computing power (as % of total) is used on various activities (finance, research, entertainment, humanitarian, etc.)
How have different civilizations/epochs dealt (both philosophically and tactically) with death?
How do consistent, non-professional activists (with families and jobs) live? Concrete details and tactics.
Are there any movements that have achieved it and said “we’re done?” Or have they all morphed into ideologies?
Generational wealth: cycles, dispersal rates?
Graphs of different wealth distributions (vs. bell curve, for example) across different epochs & empires
Trends of Independent politician votes over time
Ratio/types of campaign promises made vs. kept across years (various offices)
Congresspeople’s pre- & post-employment (companies, salaries), ultimately cross-referenced with voting
“After TED.” Really cool ideas/tech/research presented that you never hear from again. What happened? Still in process? Defunct? Accomplished?
Fable of the bear and the squirrel
Allegory of the three cities
Allegory of the silver bullet
Unpopular and Uncomfortable Truths
Spoof newspaper articles about how great artists of the old days would be received (i.e. crucified on social media) now